Page 118 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo quốc tế: Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh - lần thứ 9 (ATiGB 2024)
P. 118

               HỘI THẢO QUỐC TẾ ATiGB LẦN THỨ CHÍN - The 9  ATiGB 2024                                 109

               is comprehensively analyzed to measure the accuracy   embedded device mentioned above. Of course, even if
               of causality analysis between raw materials, equipment,   this is not the case, if you devise and apply a more
               and process defects. Mean Absolute Percentage Error   efficient and productive method, it can be helpful in
               (MAPE) represents error expressed as a percentage and   operating  a  smart  factory  by  applying  it  to  the
               is  the  average  of  the  percentage  error  between  the   process.  Although  this  paper  only  discussed
               predicted value and the actual value.          appearance  inspection  and  quality  monitoring,  it
                                    actual value            appears that more efficient and effective production is
                                                              possible  if  AI  is  applied  to  facility  operation  and
                  MAPE = (l / n)*     - predicted value     *100%    manufacturing processes.
                                                
                                    / actual value             ACKNOWLEDGMENT
                        Fig 9. MAPE calculation method           This  work  was  supported  by  the  2023  Korea
                  When evaluating a model, use cross-validation to   Industrial  Complex  Corporation  Industrial  Cluster
               evaluate  the model's generalization performance and   Competitiveness Reinforcement Project R&D Support
               visually analyze the prediction results. Scatterplots of   Project (Project No. VCKB2301).
               actual and predicted values, distribution of prediction        REFERENCES
               errors,  distribution  of  predicted  values,  etc.  are
               displayed  graphically  to  visually  check  the   [1]. Jun-Tae Park, Ar-Chim Ryu, Kyu-Phil Han, “A Deep-Learning
                                                                 Object  Recognition  Algorithm  Using  Real-time  Object
               performance  of  the  model.  Data  acquired  from  the   Detection  and  Data-set  Structuring”.  Korean  Society  of
               quality  management  integrated  control  solution  is   Electronic Engineers conference, 2018 .
               stored and becomes big data. If a real-time monitoring   [2].  Tae-Seob  Shim,  Sang-In  Lee,  Sang-Goo  Yoon,  &  Jae-Chul
               system is further developed based on the created big   Kim, “A Study on Image Preprocessing for Object Detection”
               data, a vast amount of data can be used for real-time   KIIT Conference, Korea, 2022
               analysis and efficient use in process management [4].   [4]. Seong-won Hong, Hye-rin Park, Beom-sik Shin, Seon-hwa Oh,
               In addition, equipment data is collected and analyzed   Seok-hyeon  Cho.  “Construction  of  a  quality  prediction  and
               in real time to identify abnormal signs in advance and   management  system  using  real-time  process  monitoring”.
                                                                 Korean Society of Industrial Engineers, 2014
               provide  alarms  to  take  action.  In  order  to  maintain   [5].  Kim  Mi-jin,  Yoo  Yun-sik,  “Big  data-based  real-time
               optimal  manufacturing  conditions,  changes  in  time   monitoring system development and application case”, Korean
               series  data  are  monitored  to  maintain  the  tolerance   Information  Science  Society  Academic  Conference  Papers,
               range  of  set  and  status  values.  In  case  of  deviation,   2015
               automatic  or  semi-automatic  equipment  control  is
               possible. Optimization of manufacturing conditions is
               based on Condition based maintenance (CBM), which
               diagnoses and predicts the condition of equipment to
               determine whether to repair or reset it. It utilizes IIoT
               (Industrial  Internet  of  Things),  one  of  the  key
               technologies of smart factories, to provide various by
               collecting data through sensors, etc., you can monitor
               trends, determine whether there are any abnormalities,
               and decide whether to preserve them.
                  5. CONCLUSION
                  In this paper, we discussed a method of detecting
               defects in appearance using deep learning based on AI
               and  a  method  of  quality  monitoring  through  GUI
               development for efficient operation of the factory. In
               the case of external defects, the shape of the defect is
               not  always  consistent.  Although  they  may  have  a
               similar shape, unexpected defects may occur and the
               shape  may  also  appear  in  an  unspecified  shape.  In
               order not to miss this, when a new type is discovered,
               it  must  be  learned  through  deep  learning  and  tested
               repeatedly to ensure the reliability of the equipment.
               The image preprocessing function must also improve
               image  quality  to  increase  the  detection  rate,  so  the
               recognition  rate  must  be  increased  by  using  the

                                                                                   ISBN: 978-604-80-9779-0
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