Page 117 - Kỷ yếu hội thảo quốc tế: Ứng dụng công nghệ mới trong công trình xanh - lần thứ 9 (ATiGB 2024)
P. 117

108                              TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT - ĐẠI HỌC ĐÀ NẴNG

               developing a UHD image processing embedded device.   CALCULATION          THE DETAILS
               It is developed as an embedded device equipped with a   FORMULA
               GPU  for  edge-based  defect  detection  and  a         R *P                        TP
               communication  function  for  transmitting  a  detection   Score =  i  i  *200    Recall ( ) =  TP FN
               image. At this time, it is developed integrally with the   R + P                      TP
               display so that it can be attached to the defect detection   i  i     Precision  i  ( ) =  TP+FP
               instrument.  It  is  possible  to  apply  a  lightweight  AI
               model that can perform real-time inspection with high-
               resolution  images  from  an  embedded  device.  The      Fig 7. Individual evaluation
               Figure  below  shows  examples  of  the  design  of  the   score calculation formula
               embedded  device  main  board  and  examples  of  the   TP  refers  to  the  number  of  problems  that  match
               configuration of the embedded device.          the  correct  answer  (number  of  true  positives),  FP
                                                              refers to the number of questions that output answers
                                                              that  are  not  correct  (number  of  false  positives),  and
                                                              FN refers to the number of questions that missed the
                                                              correct answer (number of false positives).
                                                                 4. QUALITY MONITORING
                                                                 For  quality  monitoring,  we  develop  a  quality
                                                              management  integrated  control  solution  system  and
                                                              develop  a  GUI  based  on  an  integrated  platform  that
                                                              enables  multi-channel  on-site  video  linkage  and
                                                              display,   and   detection   event   design   and
                                                              implementation.  Data  management  and  classification,
                                                              automatic  labeling  and  processing,  semi-supervised
                    Fig 5. Embedded device mainboard design   learning, and integrated dashboard are possible, and the
                                                              basic screen displays inspection information, inspection
                                                              results,  and  control  functions.  With  this  solution,
                                                              workers can visually see the flow of the process, and
                                                              when a problem occurs, they can check the name of the
                                                              defect,  location,  and  photos  to  proceed  with  work
                                                              efficiently.  In  addition,  by  automating  existing
                                                              handwritten  data  by  building  a  computerized  system,
                                                              worker  efficiency  and  work  efficiency  are  improved
                                                              [3].  The  photo  is  an  example  screen  of  the  quality
                                                              management integrated control solution.

                      Fig 6. Embedded device configuration
                  For  the  accuracy  of  recognition  of  defects  in
               appearance, the defect image clip dataset constructed
               during  this  development  process  is  used  as  an
               evaluation dataset to achieve the desired target value.
               The size of the  evaluation data set consists of Train
               (70%), Validation (20%), and Test sets (10%) of the
               data  sets  classified  by  each  defect  (black  spots,  hot
               melts, and wrinkles), with test sets (100 items of each
               type). Images are used for evaluation. The image Data
               Base  for  evaluation  is  RAW  data  and  uses  a
               resolution of 10M pixels or higher. The Image Data
               Base certifies the detection of a total of three events:   Fig 8. Quality management
               sunspots,  hot  melts,  and  wrinkles.  The  individual   integrated control solution screen
               evaluation score calculation formula is as follows.
                                                                 To  measure  quality  prediction  accuracy,  the
                                                              correlation   between   equipment   manufacturing
                                                              condition  information,  inspection  results,  and  product
                                                              quality is interpreted and tracked, and equipment data
               ISBN: 978-604-80-9779-0
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